Saturday, August 15, 2009

We're back!


Linda and I have returned from our adventures overseas and we haven't slowed down at all.
In the month since we arrived back in Sydney we've been on two motorcycle trips that took us into the mountain areas of NSW.

I'm afraid my pulp horror novel has not yet been published; but whilst we were away I did have one of my short horror stories included in a British pulp horror anthology.
The anthology is called Creature Feature and was published in the UK by Ghostwriter Publications.
My story is called Le Carcajou and was quite short...but a dark and eerie tale nonetheless.
I'm 50/50 about the cover myself, although it does remind me of the covers that used to adorn the old pup magazines.

If you feel the urge to read some good old fashioned pulp horror fiction, the book can be ordered here:



  1. Welcome back! Actually I kinda like the cover. It's a throw back to the old pulp stuff, especially with the circles with showcases characters in them. It's got a bit of a Mike Magnola / Bruce Timm animated feel which I think gives it a more modern context. I'll be picking a copy up to check out your piece bud!

  2. Hey Nuno
    Good to hear from you mate.
    It's quite a short piece, but dark and unusual.
    I hope the copy of the novel you get doesn't contain any editing mistakes. A reviewer who was given an advance copy complained that my story, and others in the book, contained many typos.
    I queried him about this and he confirmed it for me.
    I then contacted the Publisher/Editor and the story I got back was that they had sent the un-edited proofs to the printer by mistake.
    I have been assured that this will rectified post haste and that future copies of the novel will be edit perfect.
    Let me know if this is not the case.
    To date I have not yet seen a copy of the book myself.

    Cheers: Jaq.
